
Their meet will not reach Allah, nor will their blood, but what reaches him is piety from you.
(Quran, 22:37)

Perform Qurbani In Karachi

Your share will be delivered to your desired address and person.

Full cow $840 cad. $680 usd.
1 share $120 cad. $98 usd.
Goat for QURBANI: $10 cad/ Kg. $8 USD/Kg ( Live goat weight)
Minimum order limit 40 Kg.

Perform Qurbani In Distant Areas

You will be helping in 02 ways,
1. Sacrificial Animal will be purchased from poor people.
2. Distribution of share to poor people.

Full cow $350 cad. $280 usd
1 share $50 cad. $40 usd